Am I my brother's or sister's keeper? According to the Bible, very much so!
In the final message of the "Chaos: From Messiness To Maturity" series, Pastor Steve explores this tenet of the Christian faith. He explains why we should stand in the gap with one another. He also offers up four fundamental character traits of Jesus that should be present in us as we do our part to keep a brother or sister from falling into sin.
Patience. Everyone says we should all have it. But does anyone want to wait for it?
Pastor Steve begins with the essentials - the characteristics of patience. After acknowledging the truth - we need patience in our lives - he moves on to the means to develop patience. Also he brings us face to face with realities in our culture that make developing patience tougher than ever.
In week five of the "Chaos" series, Pastor Steve sets the stage with a Biblical perspective on wealth and poverty. Living in one of the richest societies in the world, he reminds us we will be held accountable for what we have been given in this life. Working in James chapter 5, he continues with three charges the unjust rich will face one day, and encourages everyone to be generous with the blessings we have.
Pride is a powerful emotion. Pastor Steve reminds us that good self-esteem is fine and healthy. But he also cautions us against overt pride in ourselves, which is dangerous. In his message "The Cure for Pride", Pastor Steve unveils three unhealthy, unbiblical root attitudes that put us on the slippery slope to pride. He follows up with two simple steps we can take to cure ourselves of a pride in ourselves that doesn't honor God.
In week 3 of the "Chaos" series, Pastor Steve begins with James 4:1-10, revealing three fundamental facets for understanding and dealing with conflict. Then, using additional biblical teaching, he leads us through five ways to handle conflict correctly.
In his message "Clean Sweep", Pastor Steve continues the "Chaos" series describing the way we can effectively process what we read in God's Word, and how we interact with one another. Using James 1:19-25 as the foundational scripture, he outlines the steps we take when reading the Bible, first making ourselves pleasing in God's sight, then making us ready to interact with one another in a way that honors God.
Pastor Steve kicks off his new series titled "Chaos: From Messiness to Maturity". Exploring the book of James in the New Testament, he begins on the topic he calls "The Right Perspective". Pastor Steve focuses in on five key character traits we'll need to develop if we want to eject chaos from our lives and grow in spiritual maturity.