Our Mission: Help teen youth ENGAGE with God and each other, EQUIP them to live fully alive in Jesus, and EMPOWER them to go and share Jesus with their generation.
“2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!””
Open to all teenagers 6-12th grade at Thrive Church, our goal is for our service to be a safe place where teenagers of all ages can connect to each other and grow in a relationship with Jesus. Our purpose is equipping today’s youth - both Middle School and High School age students - to be disciples, sharing Jesus with their generation. Our approach is making the gospel relevant for today’s youth, and showing them that Bible is still relevant to their generation.
Pastor Kat, born and raised in Portsmouth, Virginia, has served in several different forms of ministry most of her life. She has served in dance ministry, foreign mission trips, international youth ministry Teen Mania out of Texas (serving with Missions and Leadership Development,) and locally worked with youth ministry for over 10 years. Katrina has an Associates Degree from Tidewater Community College, Ordination with the Acts 2 Network, and is completing her Bachelor’s Degree with Regent University. Prior to Coming to Thrive Church Pastor Kat was a middle school leader and after ordination became one of the main preaching middle school pastors at Western Branch Community Church. In 2013 Katrina married high school best friend William (Travis) Hassell. Prior to Thrive Church, William served over 10 years in children’s ministry at Western Branch Community Church before serving in youth ministry with Katrina. One year later they welcomed their son Christopher who is a bright and energetic ball of fun. They also have two fur babies; Dixie, a pug-chihuahua and Remi their Chesapeake Bay retriever.