Read the Bible
Thrive Church stands upon the Bible as the source of God’s Truth. We believe every follower of Jesus should read the Bible daily.
If you have been looking for some assistance, some direction, in reading the Bible, you’ve found it!
At Thrive Church, we believe every follower of Jesus should read the Bible daily. For many folks, that may be as simple as listening to the Bible during a daily commute.
We provide a “Read the Bible in a Year” plan annually. Even if you don’t begin on January 1st, just jump in whenever you can!
“Don’t believe it just because I say it! Read God’s Word for yourself!”
Pastor Steve Hassell, Thrive Church
Excellent Bible App to use:
1. You’ll find several great Bible readings plans available.
a. Many prefer to use a program on the You Version App and actually ‘listen’ to the daily scriptures read out loud. Several different versions available. Others prefer to listen and also follow along in a hardback Bible of the same version.
b. A few excellent plans are listed below. Reading through the entire Bible in one year is doable and very rewarding. All reading plans are of great value.
2. Excellent sites with choices of several types of reading plans are:
a. A very popular plan, with a daily OT and NT reading can be found on You Version and was created by Blue Letter Bible. PDF here:
b. Eight possible plans listed:
c. Several plans to consider:
3. How to Read.
a. Decide on a plan. Read or LISTEN to the scripture daily.
b. Ask God to help you understand that which you need to know for today. Do not worry about understanding all of it at once.
c. Have a journal nearby that you can jot down notes as God quickens ideas to your heart.
d. Hint: some Bibles have short references on the bottom or sides of each page. By reading those BEFORE you actually read the chapter, you will gain valuable insight. Most Bibles may also have an introductory page in front of each book. Read those too. Maps in the back help to understand the setting.
e. For an extra blessing. Read or listen to ONE Proverb each day all year. Take the date (for example, January 4th) and read Proverbs 4. This is a great way to either start or end the day.
4. Which Version?
a. Favorite versions include:
NASB. New American Standard Bible. Considered one of the most accurate. Versions include 1995 and a new one, NASB 2020.
NIV. New International Version. Latest updated version 2011
NKJV. New King James Version. Updated grammar and language favorite of the previous KJV version.
KJV. King James Version. Tried and true with beautiful language including “thees” and “thous”.
NCV. New Century Version formerly called ICB, International Children’s Bible. Easy to understand at a 5th grade reading level.