Course Descriptions

Thrive Church offers courses at various times throughout the year. When we offer a course, the date(s), time(s), and registration deadline will be listed with the course.
Check here for new dates and times!



From understanding the basics about the Bible, to navigating topics such as death and eternity. this course is an in-depth study into how to learn, live, and love life God’s way. Team-taught by Pastor Steve and Pastor Jon, the class meets Saturdays 9am-1pm for four weeks.

Pathway to Partnershop course icon


This is the course you want if you would like to learn more about Thrive Church, the vision and mission, and are ready to make a decision about whether you want to commit to Thrive as your home church. Partners are in agreement with the beliefs of Thrive, and are eager to offer their time, talents, and treasure. This one-day class is taught by the Pastors at Thrive.



The NICHE course at Thrive Church is designed to help you discover how God made you. We're at our best when we are working within God's great plan for each of us. Join this class and utilize the Bible to assist you in uncovering just who God made you to become!



One of the most misunderstood topics in the Bible is the role and ministry of Holy Spirit. Lots of people have questions and misconceptions about the third person of the Trinity.

In this class, Pastor Steve walks through what the Bible says about Holy Spirit in a simple and understandable way. God desires that every believer tap into the power available through Holy Spirit to live fully alive and use the Spiritual Gifts He gives us through Holy Spirit. The class meets for two Saturdays from 9am - 1pm.



God gave us His garden to care for. One of those areas is the care of our country. The Responsible Virginia Citizenship class helps you discover who your national, state and local candidates are, so that you can make informed, Biblical choices. Younger “not yet old enough to vote” citizens are welcome too!



People are often surprised to learn the Bible talks about money - a lot! God understands our finances are one of the places we must develop an attitude and approach that honors Him above all others. The truth is, culture and marketing can easily sway us “off course” from reaching financial goals that please God and allow us to live like no one else! In Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University, you will untangle yourself from cultural and marketing deceptions about your money, and learn how to handle your finances God’s way! Click the button to register.



Prayer is simply keeping an open line of communication with God. It is an essential part of the Journey of any Christian. This four part class covers prayer intercession, meditation, quieting your spirit and mind, listening and other aspects of Prayer. It is designed to launch the new Christian or novice into a prayer life and for the seasoned Christian, to deepen their prayer life. Jesus provided our perfect example of prayer, and our goal is to emulate Him.



This six week exploration of the New Testament may forever change how you view, understand, and read the Bible!



Small Groups are an essential component of the Thrive experience. In our Thrive Groups, you have the opportunity to begin and develop relationships and make new friends! Every group needs a group leader to facilitate the group and provide first-contact ministry to the group members. In this class, you become equipped as a servant leader for a Thrive small group.